Leader Ruben Alejandro Hernandez Granados
“Ballet Folklorico de Occidente” (“Folk Ballet the West”) was started in 1994, in Guadalachar (Jalisco State, West of Mexico) by a group of patriots and folk dance enthusiasts. Director and founder of the group Ruben Alejandro Hernandez Granados and all members of the group share one mission to preserve and spread as widely as possible the authentic Aztec folklore, instrumental music, costumes and dances.
The dances performed are based on the history of Aztec nation and their mythical worldview. They present three the most important Aztec deities – Coatlicue, the mother of all gods, Coyolxaugui, the goddess of the moon, and Huitzilopochtli, the god of war. The dance ritual starts with a salutation of the four parts of the world.
The group performs ritual dances of the eagle, fire, the butterfly, the road, the rattlesnake, and others.
Dancers actively participate in various events and celebrations, the group has performed at international festivals in Egypt, Greece, Belgium, Germany, Poland, Hungary, Turkey, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Portugal, Bulgaria and Romania.
Traditional Aztec ceramics, textile ware and accessories will be presented at the festival by the group leader.
